Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No one knows
Yet most have experienced it
I don't know if mine is more intense than others
It's an awake nightmare
As I fight to speak again
I can't and won't
But I most walk as if nothing's wrong
Those who have been there have forgotten
Because it's easier to advise
I'm beginning to hate them
Because I hurt so
The hot burning tears that drip down my throat
Swallowed so no one would see them
The pent up desire
that will not be sated
I wonder if you feel any of it
Do you know what it's like to want you and not have you?
To touch you and not possess you
To see your beautiful skin
And not be able to bite it as I want
You have no idea what your smell does to me
How it ties up my senses
Annihilates my common sense
Takes my reason
Makes me into an animal
I want to sniff you
To be able to track you
I want to devour your skin
Because I know underneath hides the sweetest treat
I want to pounce
Toy with you
Sweetly torture you
Until you have to release the She-Wolf
So that she can end your pain.


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